This paper compares the health of mono-cultural Anglo, mono-cultural non-Anglo and multicultural churches in terms of NCLS's core qualities of church vitality and several church attendance measures.
In recent years there has been debate around what is the best shape of churches in a context of migration and multiculturalism. This paper explores this question from the perspective of the health and vitality of local churches (congregations and parishes) in Australia.
This paper explores this question from the perspective of the health and vitality of local churches (congregations and parishes) in Australia.
Authors: Ian Duncum, Miriam Pepper, Nicole Hancock, Ruth Powell
Duncum, I., Pepper, M., Hancock, N. & Powell, R. (2014). A comparison of the vitality of monocultural and multicultural churches, NCLS Research Occasional Paper 24. Sydney: NCLS Research