This paper uses data from the 2011 Australian population census and the 2011 National Church Life Survey to compare the general population with church attenders on a range of demographic measures. It also provides a break-down of key indicators by seven Christian denominations, namely Anglican, Baptist/Church of Christ, Catholic, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Uniting Church and other Protestant. Key findings indicate that the proportion of church attenders over 60 years of age is significantly higher than the proportion of that age group in the general population. Church attenders are more likely than the general population to be university educated and slightly more likely to be born in a non-English speaking country. Church attenders are more likely to be married or widowed, and less likely to be never married or separated/divorced than the population at large. The implications of these findings for churches are briefly discussed.
Authors: Claudia Mollider, Ruth Powell, Miriam Pepper, Nicole Hancock
Mollidor, C., Powell, R., Pepper, M., Hancock, N., (2013). Comparing church and community: A demographic profile, NCLS Research Occasional Paper 19. Adelaide: Mirrabooka Press