The National Church Life Survey (NCLS) is undertaken in Australia every five years. In 2001 around 435,000 church attenders from over 7000 parishes and congregations in some 19 denominations took part in the NCLS.
The 2001 National Church Life Survey database provides an opportunity to conduct comparative research of church planting and other mission strategies.
The NCLS provides an opportunity to conduct comparative research of church planting and other mission strategies, as well as addressing a range of issues that emerge from adopting a church planting strategy. This report addresses the following issues, through analysis of the NCLS data:
- How effective are church plants?
- How do church plants compare with other mission strategies in reaching Australians?
In addition the report outlines further research questions about church planting that could be pursued through the National Church Life Survey data.
Authors: John Bellamy, Keith Castle
Bellamy, J & Castle, K, (2003) The Effectiveness of Church Planting. Some initial research findings. NCLS Research Occasional Paper 01. Sydney: NCLS Research.