This research profile compares three groups of attenders from all denominations who participated in the 2016 National Church Life Survey: those born in Australia, those born in another English speaking country and those born in another non-English speaking country. Comparisons are presented on the NCLS vitality measures.
The People of this Church: Demographics, patterns of attendance, involvement in church life of your chosen groups of attenders.
Church Vitality (Core Qualities of Church Life): A detailed look at each of the nine core qualities that shape the vitality of the churches, comparing these three groups of attenders.
Who took part
Australia in 2016: 127,380 adult attenders (aged 15+ years, who were born in Australia) from all denominations who completed the 2016 National Church Life Survey.
Other English speaking in 2016: 19,007 adult attenders (aged 15+ years, who were born in another country where English is the main language) from all denominations who completed the 2016 National Church Life Survey.
Non-English speaking 2016: 40,580 adult attenders (aged 15+ years, who were born in a country where English is not the main language) from all denominations who completed the 2016 National Church Life Survey.
Authors: Ruth Powell, Sam Sterland, Miriam Pepper, Nicole Hancock
Powell, R., Sterland, S., Pepper, M. and Hancock, N. (2018). Comparing Australian Church Attenders by Country of Birth. Research Profile 1804. Sydney: NCLS Research.